Apply For A U.s. Visa - applying for Immediate Visa Appointment - Philippines (English)

It is important that you are holding necessary documents before make kahilingingang it It is important that you have the document before asking for it Remember the good that the giving of false or false statement about the necessity of the Appointment Another emergency may be harmful to your credibility and affect your apply for a visa-Emergency Treatment: The reason of travel is to obtain health care long-emerdyensing treatment, or to samaham a relative or employer for long-emerdyensing treatment care, or travel for the companionship of a family member (mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandparent or grandchild) undergoing medical care in the United States. Required evidence: One letter from the physician who is treating you or your beloved narrative of the circumstances, medical evidence of your relationship to the sick or hurt people. Pagpalibing - Death: The cause of the trip is to pound on the hill or the adjustment of the return of the corpse of a close family member (mother, father, brother, sister, children, grandparent or grandchildren) from the United States. Required proof: A letter from the director of funeral homes stating information and details of the deceased and date of funeral evidence the deceased was a close relative. Official or business: The reason of the trip is to take care of the important things which the reason of travel was unknown in advance. Required proof: a letter to a counterpart companies in the United States and from the united states that proves the urgency of the already-planned visits, in the first place about business and the lose if a Long-emerdyensing Appointment will not happen. Step: click here To makompleto a Form of emergency request or call the call center to request a emerdyensing Appointment, while sinisigurong recorded the type of emergency the you think you pass for a hastily erected appointment. After forwarded your request, please would wait for the answer from Embassy - Consulado. Step: If approved by the Embassy or Consulate your request, we will send them of the emergency code that can be used to be able to schedule a long-emerdyensing request while online or in the call center. Step: Go to the U.s Embassy - Konulado on the date and at the time of your set time of interviews while carrying and the need to document.