Original The Judicial (The Philippines)

Section Section The Congress shall have power genetic, set, and apportioned the jurisdiction of the various courts but may not strip the Supreme Court of jurisdiction in matters iniisaisa in Section seven herein. Section Must enjoy pasasarili to finance the CourtThe allocation for the Court could not reduce by the legislature for less than the amount allocated for the previous year and, after confirm, must be issued automatically and regularly. Section The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and fourteen associate Justice. It can decide en-banc or in the direction thereof, the division consists of three, five, or seven councillors. Any vacancy must fill inside of ninety days beginning with the middle thereof. Section The Supreme Court is should contain superbisyong administrative in all courts and its personnel. Section must Not be appointed Member of the Supreme Court or any lesser court kolehiyado the who magn person matangi if he is native born citizens of the Philippines. A Member of the Supreme Court has required forty years old, and having over fifteen years or more has been a judge of a lower court or who practice as lawyers in the Philippines. Section hereby Created a Judicial and Bar Council in the administration of the Supreme Court consisting of the Chief Justice as the Chairman ex-officio, of the Minister of Justice and the representative of the Congress as member ex-officio, a representative of the integrated bar, a professor of law, a retired member of the Supreme Court and a representative of the private sector. Section Should appointed by the President the Member of the Supreme Court and judges of the lower court from a list of three nominee only ever prepared by a Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy. Not required the confirmation of such appointments Section. The salary of the Chief Justice and the associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and judges of the lower court should be set by law. Should not reduce their salaries during their tenure Section. Must fill the members of the Supreme Court and the judges of the lower court while cute their behaviour until suffer they the age of seventy years or lose the ability to perform the duties of their office.

Should contain the the Supreme Court en banc the power to discipline judges of lower court, or require their excommunication by votes of the majority and of another Fellow who actually have participated in any particular of the issue of the matters and vote there. Section The members of the Supreme Court and of other courts established by law shall not be assigned to any office that performs the task semi-judicial or administrative. Section The decisions of the Supreme Court to any matters that are presented here to decide en banc or in division shall be generated in the process of counseling before assign a case to a Justice to write the opinion of the Court.

Must issue a certification about it that is signed by the Chief Magistrate and a copy thereof shall attach to the record of the issue and be delivered to the sides. Any Magistrate that they have participated or the contrary, or non-participate in a decision or resolution is required to present the gma principle that is its basis. This also needs the must follow all of the lesser court of kolehiyado. Section Should not ordain any decision any court without being present there clearly and not be mistaken for the circumstances and the law underlying it. Section all matters or things that are filed from the validity of the drag racing circuit it is necessary is required to decide or resolve within twenty-four months from the date of pagkakadulog time for the Supreme Court, and, matangi if shorten of the Supreme Court, twelve months for all lower court kolehiyado, and eggplant months for all other lower court. Section The Supreme Court, within thirty days from the opening of each regular session of Congress, aya must submit to the President and to Congress of the annual report of the pamalakad and activities of the Court.