PHANNPRIVATE SALE MINDLINK - Blockchain eLearning platfromPH

To solve the problems that exist in traditional education, offering the MindLink of the convenient application that will serve as a superstructure for the usual process of education and including the additional accommodations available to students around the world: a new generation connection in the video including the communication capabilities of private and group, and the ability to stream conferences and seminars, with the possibility of recording and distributionWe are creating an environment where a feedback will continue to be developed to quickly react to necessary changes and to fill the room of improvement. The environment, where the implementation of the Blockchain and smart contracts will provide the whole community with the ability to interact with each other on a trust basis. This removes all doubts about the authenticity of the knowledge or certificates granted. Easy to use the software so will get more students who are forced to use applications that are not designed specifically for the learning goals.

Answers to these particular questions will be searched all around the Internet, often requires substantial resources of time and although it is a struggle to find the most suitable course or information.

The issue of trust is solved due to the blockchain, no more fake rating and feedbacks, including"cheat experts.

Our solution saves time and money for those interested, while it provides students with a suitable range of training and teachers choose their own ways and methods of knowledge sharing.

The businesses and corporations is available our solution to simplify the process of pagrerekrenda.

The portals of education are given the tools to expand their number of users.

The ability to configure and design your own course, using the dedicated interactive tool is a changer of the game. The care guide based on the study of the machine will never leave a person who is not pleased with the experience obtained with the use of the application. Available to the makers of the content the ability to protect their intellectual property as well as effectively monetize it. The way of payment will be transparent and most convenient for all parties. The employer will reduce reduce the the cost in hiring and the large number of mistakes in hiring, due to an improved podium of interaction, reducing the number of fraud to almost zero and giving the ability of businesses to present the course to teach specialist training with the most important and practical skills or knowledge. The necessary tools to create a own study plan will be given to all users, regardless of the method of the study: training videos, materials in reading, engagement in online or live discussions. With implement the possibility to have the online-conference for the study of the group. Each participant of our ecosystem, which intends to offer his knowledge to others, can compile native structure of a course in a convenient and acceptable form with the online course designers. Additional emphasis is placed on providing simple and intuitive user interface, suitable for both advanced and not having users. Regardless of the field of knowledge, anyone can become a participant of the system of MindLink. One of the main criteria of the global system of knowledge is accessibility. The need that is causing additional demand for materials organization and their further distribution. Opens this possibility to take part in the process for editors, translators, copywriters, etc. There are no restrictions on the content of courses and materials that are levied, as long as it does not violate the law, and no contains calls for violence, racism or crime doesn't exist. All users are given the ability to set prices for their services, there are no restrictions about the price of the course. The only requirement to follow is to keep all transactions within the structured MindLink. The better way to make the transaction is to proceed to them by MLToken, because the solution to manage the token in a similar way to the fiat money is certainly developed. Meanwhile, the payment of MLToken is not mandatory, but the bonus applies to the user of the token as source of payment. The filling of the initial content will be provided at the time of product launch. Content created by working closely with engaged partners and further cooperation with them. As a partner, the legal body such as universities or portals that education will help us through the digitalize of the information to their established and shared it in our storage data however any individual can take part also in this process. For the purpose mentioned above, the in-app the thematic portal will be created to give universities and other key partners the data they have. In addition to collaboration with our partners, the ongoing process of renewal and updating of our database from open sources, is established. The tracking intellectual property is always an expensive process. Due to the high costs of protection in copyright is maintained only with the help of a third party involved - the specialized structures and organizations. In the implementation of blockchain technology even the independent publisher can protect and track all usage of any particular resource and the publisher. Through the use of smart-contract the authorized use of intellectual property of a person for a certain reward becomes possible. The smart-contract will be more complicated in a simple agreement. This can provide a great range of opportunities to our partners (Universities, Educational portal) and simple teacher. Simple use case: - The courses of the students can be paid to a company in recruiting, if the student has passed successfully the certification period, or if he got more than a certain amount of points Tools of the designer- unique architecture for the creation of training through the compiling of in-app Advertised sites are not endorsed. Beautiful concept of this project, would be successful the ICO its. I always visit tong thread for maupdate me. Beautiful concept of this project, would be successful the ICO its. I always visit tong thread for maupdate me. Good Luck Really nice project because it make the team of the Mindlink application for solve some problems on a transaction. And for help those who use it. During this time you can join in the token sale for get enough ML tokens to use this in the coming season. help the mind link. Latest update near the waiting of all, The opening of the main-sale will take place tomorrow afternoon: CET, you Can participate and for get a good bonus. Many thanks.